Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Never Take Someone for Granted??..

Someone once said "Never take someone for granted, hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you have lost true diamond while you were too busy collecting stones".

But they forgot it is always a two-way street. And one day no matter how hard you try to hold everyone close, you wake up and realise that you have been taken for granted.

Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself.
Because you are a good person.
Because you are a good friend.
And you should realise that whatever is meant to happen will happen.
Good or bad.

Relationships are always worth fighting for but sometimes you can't be the only one fighting.
Sometimes, people need to fight for you.


black coffee said...

words of wisom indeed! :)

rayshma said...

absolutely... there're no one-way streets in friendship... :)

Anonymous said...

so ture....expressed yet so simply...gr8 read

Farah Deen said...

Lena, it's true. No tree would shake without the wind, so if life. Whatever actions and words we say, most of the times, its the response to what we get. However, sometimes, maybe we should try to control our emotions so that things get under control and issues get resolved better.

busy-writer said...

i second that, totally. :)

Jaishree Iyer said...

Hi!This is first time to your blog.Excellent! What you say is true.

Pavi!!!! said...

I agree with 2 ppl have to try n make things work.n tht for the faith to remain..ppl hv to fight for u.

But I don agree with "Never take someone for granted"
When some1 is taken for granted...it is not planned. It just happens..unintentionally, before one realizes it! n u take for granted only ppl with whom u share a special bond...not jsut every1.

I think its okay to take ppl for granted..but what is imp (and is not okay if not done) is if the feeling is not reciprocated.If wat the other person does for u...is not appreciated.

However close a person is.. Appreciating,Acknowledging, Thanking, Apologizing is v.imp.

I take for granted my parents,my sis, my hubby, some friends but i try my best to let 'em know that i realize how much they do for me..and i will do best what i can..for them!

Ankur said...

**Relationships are always worth fighting for but sometimes you can't be the only one fighting.


and its a very true thought in the beginning...

agree with u completely on this post, everything :)

Dont worry.. everything will be fine, just keep doing ut bit :)


Keshi said...

I really really love this one from u Lena! So well-said.

**Relationships are always worth fighting for but sometimes you can't be the only one fighting.

Spot on!

And thats what I hv been feeling all this time with some r'ships in my life. Its always ME who's fighting to keep em alive..the other person dun seem to be bothered at all.

Now I dun go out of my way to save r'ships. I just devote my energy to ppl that r worth keeping...the ones that devote their energy to me too.



Priya said...

Totally girl;) Loved this post.

Abu Zunnur said...

Hi Lena,
Your post made me ponder about my past experiences.
Sometimes friends stay close to you when they need something from you even though you take them for granted, but sometimes they leave you when they don't need you anymore even though you hold them close.

Siavash G. said...

hi. Don't forget having extraordinary dreams, need an extraordinary human. If you have such dreams then your so.

Cinderella said...

Lena..you just spoke my mind out there girl !
This was just the thing that has been haranguing me since quite a while now....

I have been a good friend. I have been a good girl. I have always been there when they needed me...but, they left just when I thought they'd not.

But still I'm happy. I could totally connect to this post.

Cinderella said...

I'm gonna link you. Hope you wouldnt min that, eh ?

Anonymous said...

short, but every word was true. You cannot fight for somebody always...somebody needs to fight for you too..
how very right!

Loved this post of yours :)

♥ÐÅyÐяєÅмє®♥ said...

lovely template n equally lovely post

Noushy Syah said...

It takes 2 to tango..and relationship is definitely a 2 way-street to make it work.

A healthy relationship is not earned but have to work for it!

Anonymous said...

This post is so so true!! Wonderful words that ring true in any relationship.

Lena said...

@ akki: thanks :)

@ rayshma: agreed :)

@ samby: thank you :)

@ farah: right, but like i said sometimes we should not be the only ones who tries

@ busy writer: thank you :)

Lena said...

@ myviews: thank you :) and welcome here :)

@ pavi:
** I think its okay to take ppl for granted..but what is imp (and is not okay if not done) is if the feeling is not reciprocated.If wat the other person does for u...is not appreciated.

for me if the feeling is not reciprocated is being taken for granted

@ ankur: you agreed??? Completely??? wow!

Lena said...

@ keshi: thats how i feel at times, there are always people who would appreciate and really care :)

@ priya: thank you :)

@ zunnur: exactly, thats how life is and sometimes it really might make you sad but i guess we cant make other people take relationships exactly the same way as we do

@ sirsia: i will consider this point :)

Lena said...

@ cinderella: i guess we all have to deal with something like that and it is always up to us to move on or to try to explain to them that we are hurt when they dont take us serious in their life..

PS: why would i mind you linking me, eh??

Lena said...

@ preetha: thank you, girl :)

@ sourish: thanks, though i wish i could design a lovely template myself, but am just too busy these days :(

@ noushy: exactly, we have to work for every relationships, but always 2 of us. Not only one side of it..

@ single in the city: right you are, thanks :)

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

We should never ever take anyone for granted, let alone the person you love. But sometimes it happens without one realizing it though ... sad but true.

Deepa said...

so so true!

ruSh.Me said...

You could not move an MM without the two in a relationship.... so not taking each other for granted is a look at the mirror of reality...

but it really doesnt mean that the Trust, The Faith in the Love is Weakened.........

SaTaN said...

So true...

Durin courtship period people do anything to keep the relationship goin, but after marriage they just take the other person for granted which is the worst mistake they r makin and later on they blame other partner for break up of the relationship.

IncorrigibleV said...

absolutely right... its the same thing as saying u can't clap with one hand or drive with one wheel...

Sameera Ansari said...

Yup dear,once in a while let the other person sweat! ;)

The Happy Human Jellyfish said...

just what i needed right now. :)

Holly said...

I'm FREQUENTLY taken for granted.. Gets old...