Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Just a thought:

One of the hardest parts of life is deciding when to give up and when to try harder.


ruSh.Me said...

how do u decide...???

the thought is, no doubt, excellent.... very transparent....! to the application part....

how would u know.... that this instant is that moment, where you would just give up....but then the moment next, had u tried....will take u till the finish....

Will a bell ring.....??? A water drop drop by????? lightening Strike??? any thing???

Ankur said...

cant be more truthful than this!!!


Keep Smiling...

busy-writer said...

whoaa, how true!

Cinderella said...

Rocky Balboa said,

"Its not about how hard you can hit. Its about how hard you can get hit.

...The world os a nsty place which will love to see you down on knees, and will keep you permanently there.

YOu have to keep getting hit, and keep moving on."

Nice to see you see you posting again girl.

Noushy Syah said...

..it's true...but I believe we are entitled for a second chance...work more,try harder...

Farah Deen said...

indeed, thats so true. I have faced situations as such. when to give up and when to go on. it's really difficult. i guess when it's tough to decide, go with the gut feelings, follow the heart and not the mind.

Keshi said...

thats true Lena!

Im often torn between them :(


Pavi!!!! said...

Don't Give up....Atleast not until u feel its not WORTH to be trying harder!

If u Give Up before ur ready to Give Up...u'll end up regretting and i don't think there shld be any regrets in Life!
Also when u Give Up..u shld feel relieved, not sad, not confused. Just relieved and mabbe Happy!

Lena said...

@ rush.me:
I just wish someone would call me up and tell what to do, but then i usually keep on doing, like never give up but still sometimes in vain...

Lena said...

it is it is, Ankur :)


And i am always smiling... it annoys people a lot :D

Lena said...

@ busy writer: it definitely is :)

Lena said...

Rocky Balboa was wise, right, Cindy?
I guess we wont let the world see us down on the knees, will we? :)

Lena said...

Yes, Noushy... but still the question remains... what if some things are not meant to be no matter how hard we try ... should we still try harder or give up?

Lena said...

that's what i usually do, farah, just follow my heart :)

Lena said...

arent we all, Keshi? :)

Lena said...

you've made a lot of sense, Pavi :)

**Also when u Give Up..u shld feel relieved, not sad, not confused. Just relieved and mabbe Happy!

I guess thats how it should be when we give up on something that cant be pursued any longer.

Noushy Syah said...

...dear, true indeed, when something is not meant to be, no matter how hard you tried...it's useless....

I guess in such situation, we have the option on giving up and move on..

Cinderella said...

Nope. Never.

No matter how hard we fall. We will get up and walk.

Cinderella said...

I totally loved Pavi's take on this thought.
So true !!

Wow !!

black coffee said...

thats abt the story of my life! :I

Pavi!!!! said...

Thanks Lena n Cindrella :) This theory has alwez worked for me.

Ankur said...


if u r then u r just like me :D :D

i annoyed one recently in a meeting :P :P


IncorrigibleV said...

more so when ppl tell u to give up its not worth it and u refuse to believe them ...
excellent thought!!!

Lena said...

we always want to believe in the best, vandi, hence its so tough to let go and give up on someone/thing we love

Sameera Ansari said...

Sometimes we just have to take the plunge or life will just pass us by...

Nice thought sweetu!Hugsss

ReadnRyte said...

thought provoking...

william blake wrote, 'hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour'...

when you understand that nothing in life is permanent and everything that can be had will last but a moment...you will let go and yet keep chasing the dream.

'the permanenet temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality, the permanent defeat of life is when dreams are surrendered to reality'

Keep smilin'