Well, Divvi has tagged me some time ago and me really took my own sweet time to complete this one. I even wanted to steal the pic because nobody ever said it was copyrighted but then considering that Divvi stole it herself from Sneha, and i dont know if Sneha has stolen it from somewhere else (no false accusations!!) so me found another pic!! :D
Here goes my tag…
A- A for apple :P
It just fits in so good :D but seriously ..Alexandra - my niece, she is just too cute. Asked me recently not to go to the office in the morning. and when i replied "Someone has to earn money, honey. You want new toys!" she said "ya, sure, dont come home early, Lena, bring more money".. *Sigh* new generation,...
Amsterdam - second best city in the world, after London.. see below!!
B- BUSY... this is what people i love have always as their status message other than "idle" (look below)... though me really doesnt care!! They wont escape me anyways :D
Blogs - thats obvious!
C- CHOCOLATE... any questions? :P
CHARMED.. you might think i am mad but whenever i am down i just watch Charmed and it makes me feel better, i want so much believe magic exists :)
Care... !!
D- DIV, DIVS, DIVVI, DIVVU (I stole it from her tag :D) - but she is like my other little sister, though much more wiser!!
E- Eugenia, my other little niece... Lucky me she cant speak yet :D
F- Family, Friends... more i cant add... they make my life worth living!
G- Green - love this colour... maybe even more than necessary!!
H- Home... it is where people who love you are... Being away from them ... grrrrrrrrr... dont even want to think about it!
Harry Potter... me is such a big fan that i read all books more times than Divvi can count (she is really bad in math!)
I- Idle ... thats the status on gtalk people usually have when i want to talk to them.. What a paradox... Being "Idle" on gtalk means a person is really "Busy" in life :D
Italy - me wants so much to go there on vacations...
India - no comments... i have a lot of dear to me people living there :)
J- JAVA - Divvi promised to teach me how to write "Hello Universe" .. till now she has not... now i doubt if she really can do it!!
K- Kisses.. lolz why not? ;)
L- LOVE =LIFE, London=LOVE=LIFE :D I just love London... when you are there it seems like everything falls right into their places... I hope next life i will be born there!!
M- Magic... magic of life, magic of life, magic of friends, magic of being there and enjoying it to the fullest!!
N- Nationality.. i happened to be judged many times because of the country i have been born it. I will tell you my nationality is something i am proud of!! :) Dont care about the rest who have a clishee-type thinking!

P- Preeti, sweetheart - miss you so much, dear :(
Possessiveness - thats me and me and me... i cant stop being possessive about people i love. But arent we all?
Q- Questions... i ask them a lot... most are silly, sometimes i ask the ones even if i know the answers! Yesterday one of dearest people told me that when he thinks about me the first thing that comes to his mind is questions i ask :D
R- Rains... i love them... make me feel good always :)
S- Sami .. sweetu me missing you too :( :( :(
Truth - something you have no idea about but always want to..
Tolerance - thats tough sometimes but then it makes any relationship go easier :)
U- Divvi baby.... i wont think about other boyfriends when writing this one :P
Understanding! - thats the engine for every relationship
V- Virtual... which tends somehow to become real!!
W- Waiting - i hate it.. I am absolutely, completely not PATIENT!!
Writing!! - thats something more than satisfactory, gives me comfort and pleasure!

X- Xmas... love it.. because ... because just love it!
Y- Yesterday... it will never come back even if it is beautiful, but i want my today to be as my yesterday was :)
Z- Zimbabwe.... will never go there!!