Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's not understanding life that's important but rather believing in the wonder of it.

Image: Allposters.com


rayshma said...

how true... :)

Lukkydivs said...

ufff...somethings are better not understood :P

Anonymous said...

heheh... but its sumtimes deficult to believe right... i want to believe.... but its diffcult...


Solitaire said...

I am confused. I do not understand the statement.

Farah Deen said...

life is important but understanding and knowing the wonder life gives is more wonderful and challenging...very true!

Amit said...

Well pointed...!!
i like the way you look at the life..!!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Yes, we must never lose our wonder and awe of life and treat each day as something very special. The painting looks very good. Is that yours? Thanks and God bless my friend.

Lena said...

@ rayshma: :)

@ divs: some things YOU just cant understand :P

@ samby: if you want you just believe, dont think about the possible and impossible, just do..

@ sneha: might mean different for everyone.. for me it means we should stop analyzing life but just anjoy it and take it as a precious wonder gift!!

@ farah: exactly! :)

@ amit: even i like it ;)

@ mel: absolutely, take every day as a wonder! :) No the picture is taken from the site Allposters.com

Ankur said...

how true :)

IncorrigibleV said...

beautiful pic
and since life is not all comprehensible, i guess pretty true :)