Friday, March 28, 2008

Zimbabwe? Where is it?

Well, Divvi has tagged me some time ago and me really took my own sweet time to complete this one. I even wanted to steal the pic because nobody ever said it was copyrighted but then considering that Divvi stole it herself from Sneha, and i dont know if Sneha has stolen it from somewhere else (no false accusations!!) so me found another pic!! :D

Here goes my tag…

A- A for apple :P
It just fits in so good :D but seriously ..

Alexandra - my niece, she is just too cute. Asked me recently not to go to the office in the morning. and when i replied "Someone has to earn money, honey. You want new toys!" she said "ya, sure, dont come home early, Lena, bring more money".. *Sigh* new generation,...
Amsterdam - second best city in the world, after London.. see below!!

- BUSY... this is what people i love have always as their status message other than "idle" (look below)... though me really doesnt care!! They wont escape me anyways :D
Blogs - thats obvious!

- CHOCOLATE... any questions? :P
CHARMED.. you might think i am mad but whenever i am down i just watch Charmed and it makes me feel better, i want so much believe magic exists :)
Care... !!

D- DIV, DIVS, DIVVI, DIVVU (I stole it from her tag :D) - but she is like my other little sister, though much more wiser!!

E- Eugenia, my other little niece... Lucky me she cant speak yet :D

F- Family, Friends... more i cant add... they make my life worth living!

G- Green - love this colour... maybe even more than necessary!!

H- Home... it is where people who love you are... Being away from them ... grrrrrrrrr... dont even want to think about it!
Harry Potter... me is such a big fan that i read all books more times than Divvi can count (she is really bad in math!)

I- Idle ... thats the status on gtalk people usually have when i want to talk to them.. What a paradox... Being "Idle" on gtalk means a person is really "Busy" in life :D
Italy - me wants so much to go there on vacations...
India - no comments... i have a lot of dear to me people living there :)

J- JAVA - Divvi promised to teach me how to write "Hello Universe" .. till now she has not... now i doubt if she really can do it!!

K- Kisses.. lolz why not? ;)

L- LOVE =LIFE, London=LOVE=LIFE :D I just love London... when you are there it seems like everything falls right into their places... I hope next life i will be born there!!

M- Magic... magic of life, magic of life, magic of friends, magic of being there and enjoying it to the fullest!!

N- Nationality.. i happened to be judged many times because of the country i have been born it. I will tell you my nationality is something i am proud of!! :) Dont care about the rest who have a clishee-type thinking!

O- ORKUT :D I remember times when i couldnt stop myself from logging in there. Now me only rejecting add request but thanks to it i got some really great people in my life!! And I am more than thankful, in fact i can not express my gratitude!! :) :) :)

P- Preeti, sweetheart - miss you so much, dear :(
Possessiveness - thats me and me and me... i cant stop being possessive about people i love. But arent we all?

Q- Questions... i ask them a lot... most are silly, sometimes i ask the ones even if i know the answers! Yesterday one of dearest people told me that when he thinks about me the first thing that comes to his mind is questions i ask :D

R- Rains... i love them... make me feel good always :)

S- Sami .. sweetu me missing you too :( :( :(

T- Tuesday Love Ramblings.... they have become the part of me and my blog.. i cant believe there was time when i didnt have them!!

- something you have no idea about but always want to..
Tolerance - thats tough sometimes but then it makes any relationship go easier :)

U- Divvi baby.... i wont think about other boyfriends when writing this one :P
Understanding! - thats the engine for every relationship

V- Virtual... which tends somehow to become real!!

W- Waiting - i hate it.. I am absolutely, completely not PATIENT!!
Writing!! - thats something more than satisfactory, gives me comfort and pleasure!

X- Xmas... love it.. because ... because just love it!

Y- Yesterday... it will never come back even if it is beautiful, but i want my today to be as my yesterday was :)

Z- Zimbabwe.... will never go there!!


hope said...


Gauri Gharpure said...

this blog's a cheerful place! .. and thnks for dropping by my space too.. cya around..

Jyoti said...

Nice to see a russian girl mingling so well with indians. Moreover i came on your blog..with the thought that u are NRI.

It was really nice to visit this beautiful blog.

rayshma said...

u have no idea HOW much i love that kitty with santa cap pic! :) i'm stealing it.. :0)
if u still go to orkut, plz feel free to add me, if u wish. u can search by my blog URL...
on the post... i love chocs & rains, i suck at math and i HATE waiting too.. :)

Amit said...

Thank you very much for visiting my blog...

nicely done.. people can come to know many things abt u


Lukkydivs said...

lena, thanx so much for mentioning me so many times :P u know i loved reading this :)

GMG said...

Hi Lena, thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter where I'm now strolling around Bilbao!
Loved to discover your blog, but was wondering why do you say that you'll never go to Zimbabwe; one never knows... ;))
Have a great weekend!

Farah Deen said...

Lena, this sounds like a fun tag and i love your presentation with all the colurful fonts too! :)

Hmmm...I don't think I want to go to Zimbabwe too! heheheheh and are you Russian?? Wow, I used to have a good friend who's Russian, or at least she speaks Russian, and I even have my name written (rather engraved) in Russian on one of my purses! :)

Solitaire said...

Nice one.
I stole the image from google btw.
And why wont u go to Zimbabwe?

Mayur said...

There is so much of energy and colors in ur writing.......
Keep it up.....

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Lena,
This A to Z tag about you speaks so much about yourself. Thanks for sharing some of the intimate information about yourself. We appreciate your candor. BTW, Zimbabwe is in Africa. Thanks for the inspiring post. God bless.

Unknown said...

Cute tag - I loved your entry for Chocolate! ;-)

Yagya Datt Sharma said...

gud going....nice blog..juss got through ur blog in surfing...u made my day!

Ankur said...

System.out.println("This is how to write Hello Universe in Java");

ehehe... good start i say :D

A & E both are so cute... lovely :)

L yet to visit :|
wanted to go there this summer, but... :(

O it has given me a lot too... :D

Y is the making of future.... :)

cool post...

Cheers!!! :)

IncorrigibleV said...

hey great tag... everytime someone mentions rain i smile wide :)
love the rains... and chocolates

Cinderella said...

Good one there.
Btw why you dont wanna go to Zimbabwe ?!

Anonymous said...

"ya, sure, dont come home early, Lena, bring more money"..


n why never going to zimbawe??

Keshi said...

Alexandra is such a darling!

**which tends somehow to become real!!

so true ha!

Nicely done tag hun!


Ankur said...

looks like someone doesnt blogroll me anymore :|

where r u Lena???

Lena said...

@ hope: thank you

@ gauri: thanks.. will sure visit you again :)

@jyoti: i took it as a compliment :) :) unfortunately being russian doesnt let me read your blog as it is in hindi :(

@ rayshma: you stole cat pic? :P You can keep it, i stole it too :D

Lena said...

@ amit: thanks for coming by :)

@ divvi: thats because i love you, dumbi :P

@ gmg: right, one never knows :)

@ farah: you had a russian friend? thats cool! Now you have one more :)

Lena said...

@ sneha: i knew you stole the pic :P
I just dont like Zimbabwe :P

@ mayur: trying to add colours at least in the blog.. thanks for visiting!

@ Mel: thank you so much :) I know Zimbabwe is in Africa, maybe i still will visit one day :)

@ Nicky: thank youuuuuuu... i can share some chocolate ;)

Lena said...

@ yaggi: thanks .. am glad to hear i made your day!!

@ ankur: finally someone told me how to write it!! Wish you would visit London soon, an amazing city!! :)

@ vandi: glad you liked it.. :) :)

@ cinderella: it just came to my mind when i was writing the post, maybe will change again soon!! ;)

Lena said...

@ samby: too cute, you are right.. as for zimbabwe... even i dont know..

@ keshi :) :) thanks

@ ankur: i am almost back :) will visit you soon!!

Cinderella said...


Pavi!!!! said...

Hey lena..

I like ur templates! I'm not reading this post 'coz im suppose to do this tag and hvn't gotten arnd to doing it as yet!Sigh!

BTW..i went to ur other blog..The "Smile..." one and i won't let me comment?I had so much to say??

Keshi said...

Lena come n check out my doll..she's alot like ur cute lil Alexandra :)


The 'Mad' Orchid said...

How come i missed this post :O :O read loved cute

Lena said...

@ Mads: since you commented, you havent missed it ;)

busy-writer said...

hehe! your blog exudes happiness and most of all, optimism all the time!!


Lena said...

@ busy writer: that was the intention of this particular blog :)
I am glad that you felt it :) :)

Zahid said...

Huh ??? Eveni f i belonged to Zimababwe ???

Sameera Ansari said...

That was sooooooooooooooooo cute! :)

Love ya sweetie!Hugsss